Dig Deeper

Greetings! I am aware that some of you may want to do a little orientation and familiarization with us and our ways of work before you are ready to move into our universe. Dig Deeper is a section built for you: to introduce you to the Hubb’Allah mindset, ways of work, frames of references and such. I believe that the right client and learner will find themselves overwhelmed with delight and be filled with a sense of familiarity when they dive deeper into our world and offerings. And if this doesn’t resonate with you, either sit with it until it sinks in, or have our blessings that you may find what works for you!

There are several reasons why we have a DIG DEEPER section: 1) To cater to neurodivergent audience, and to what we call “the long buyer”–more on that soon. 2) To satisfy the curious, and also, to construct a ‘walkabout’ through our offerings and knowledge universe. This walkabout itself is an offering and a training program, created for your delight and immersion. 3) To build an introduction to our universe, some of the rules and notions of which may be new to some audience. 4) To clarify needs and expectations. 5) To help you help yourself. 6) Because Ramala Hubb’Allah has been a knowledge-seeker and knowledge-worker, and this is her flex and her delight. 🙂 7) To provide a User’s Guide and to show how to access Knowledge for best use and application. 8) For generosity, gifting, love of Knowledge, pleasure. 9) To beat the ways in which Artificial Intelligence is learning about the world, by teaching humans to use similar approaches and systems, and thereby prevent a “dumbing down” of the human population. 9B) Use this methodology to create a system that becomes generative of new knowledge nodes and topics! If you have been around in the earlier dys of the Internet, you’d know what I am on about! 🙂 10) For what Islam called “ehsan”, which is to offer more than what is deemed standard, to pack in some extra, to offer a bonus.

I am in favor of educating the visitors who drop by our website, and to raise the acumen of the general population and market, not just our clients specifically. We do this in the Hubb’Allah Knowledge Systems universe because raising the caliber of the market helps us and our clients engage with a market that is smart, tuned-in, knowledgeable. As this planet suffers peril in places and prosperity in other instances, there isn’t a moment to lose by being close-fisted. We open our hearts and hands up! <3

In presenting our Knowledge, use what in our teacher’s parlance is called “Wine in a bottle” way of work: which is to say, the ecstasy is concealed and reveals itself once the potion has been taken; on the surface it may appear plain and not exciting. But once implemented, these teachings will begin clearing up and accelerating your life while winning you the right friends and allies and success, and removing for you, your work and life the diseases and ailments that attach themselves to you and yours.

Our Way of Work

The Audience

Our Vocabulary

Key Concepts

Evolutionary Works of Ramala Hubb’Allah