Knowledge Services

Ramala Hubb’Allah describes herself as a Constant Learner. A love for Knowledge has also compelled her to organize knowledge in addition to creating it; amongst traditional Muslim seekers and producers of knowledge, the organization and codification of knowledge is revered and deemed an essential duty. She strengthened that practice as someone immersed in the world of Technology, and also as a Parent/Learner engaged in the world of Schooling and Self-Schooling.

As someone who has been online since 1998, and who has traversed the digital spaces far and deep and experimented with various products and formats, I am keen to utilize my knowledge and passion to develop and offer Knowledge Services that may be pivotal for the users of the emerging Internet of the post-pandemic times. Amongst our digital services, I am most passionate about GAMIFICATION and acceleration of Internet spaces such as Groups. My intention is to serve the goals of Social & Planetary Development.

I am also keen to offer Learning Methodologies for the development of human child and adult, using our own experience of homeschooling as a benchmark. Along with her daughter Sofia,