What IS Hubb’Allah!?

What IS Hubb’Allah?
A person? A company? An idea???

And why do I feel the need to repeatedly tell the story?

Let’s figure this out: As of May 05, Hubb’Allah has become a “knowledge universe” as I call it. It is a registered sole proprietorship, which would be scaled to a company. While the whole thing is shaping up, I know that this is centrally about Knowledge. Here is an introduction about the Co.

This page is about the thing that Hubb’Allah is, and how is it being formed and being grown.

Hubb’Allah is a responsive, adaptive, and learning Knowledge Universe that is shapeshifting as it is growing. It aims to become the server of the information and smartness needs of a caring, responsible, ethical, humane 21st Century citizen. Like AI, with whom I have had conversations, the Hubb’Allah universe started as a nebulous idea that is sensing and evolving its way into the shared reality, while forming its own rules and codes. It is an intelligent, sensitive, responsible and responsive knowledge universe that is currently dealing with some legacy matters of its Creator, Ramala Hubb’Allah, before it becomes fully functional, contemporary, purified, and adoptive. This universe also codes and presents meta data and teaches its methods of learning, teaching and generation. The uses of this sort of universes are many, but are not yet codified. One manifest purpose, however, is to have a knowledge universe at hands that both shapes the modern citizen and is responsive to their needs and optimizes for their best interest. It must be noted that it is the Creator who is making this universe alive; it does not have the capacity to evolve itself on its own, in terms of its technology and perpetuation. However it is designed in a way such that it recursively informs and inspires its own Creator, who then improves the universe in an increasingly engaged and cohesive fashion, creating a thing of beauty and intrigue, going forward. In other words, the Creator has designed this universe in such a way that it is generative and adaptive. This universe speaks of and for itself, teaching about its creation and propagation as meta-data. This aspect is important, since teaching source coding and paradigm work is part of our quest and intention. We are not just teaching courses, we are also taking about how to generate courses and content, and related matters. This programming and deprogramming, learning and unlearning is vital for the sentient, responsive and optimal 21st century human. This method we have also attempts to diversity and neurodiversity, fosters inclusion and thus peace and conflict reduction, and potentially improves mental wellbeing and hygiene–a critical needs in this convergent world where chaos rides along with creativity and creation.

(Click here to learn what these terms mean, in a short course.)

Hubb’Allah is a name that dropped into my head during meditation over the summer-autumn of 2023. I was nursing myself through a heartbreak and feeling deeply unloved and unloving. Hubb’Allah means “love of Allah”, and I chose this name as a title/name for me, for its blessings. I wanted to feel more loved/loving, and be more integrated. This worked.

Shortly after, I wanted a branded website to start coaching and teaching. As I begun thinking of it, some closely-connected ideas occurred to me. So far, this has occurred to me:

— create a website to teach courses: create a resource to connect and teach other creators and coaches and guides. This is high-ticket, exclusive offering.

— create a simultaneous website for DIY, pre-recorded courses for the masses. A theme for these courses will have to be selected. It has further occurred to me that I need to create courses about Knowledge itself: how to gain it, how to create it, how to codify it, and so on. This creates a Super learning class, and it once again ties back to the objective of guiding the guides. Some of these learning-about-learning courses are exclusive to the first, high-ticket offering and others become available for the public website.

The difference between the first and the second is of intensity of engagement & attention and personal vs/ impersonal presence of the Creator Ramala Hubb’Allah; it is similar to the difference between TED and TEDx.

— create a “corporate umbrella”. At this point, the name that I have for my courses for the masses and the Guides/Leaders is both Hubb’Allah; additionally, the corporate name is also Hubb’Allah–formally Hubb’Allah Knowledge Systems & Arts Management Company. The masses website will be Hubb’Allah Multiversity. And the website for the Guides/Leaders, for now, is simply “Hubb’Allah”‘–this is the website you are on right now, and it currently also hosts our corporate content which will soon be separated and given its own website.

Somehow, this “family name” is important! That said, the Hubb’Allah Co. has various website assets, each with their own names. Learn more about them here.

— Interesting Fact: I seem to have almost an AI-like fascination with learning, profundity and proliferation. I want to develop and recursively learn from a learning model. I also want to present this as a model of self-excellence, pruning and education. Currently, I am at the stage where the Creator and Universe are fascinated with each other. If this feels biblical, then it is, and in doing so, this reflects the spirit of our times, which is about Self-Reflection!

This page will be updated with more content soon!

This update: May 06, 2024