Methods & Meta-Methods

We will teach you our signature methods to do work, connect, share information, and make products and offerings that SELL. This will improve the quality and presence of your work and effort in dimensions that you may not yet have extended in–such as the dimension of accountability and care! Stay tuned, details are coming up!

Upcoming Methods:

️✅ Building a Vocabulary for Your Universe
Building a vocabulary for our own universe is our core practice and serves to train and enchant our clients. Learn this method in order to become sticky in the mind of your reader and client!

️✅ Creating Teachable Moments That You Can Sell!
Your content and approach generate many micro, nano and some larger teaching moments, that you can turn into mini offerings and teachings, and sell passively! People want to know and learn, people are curious.

This point was brought home to me when I was running my herbal business, and a client for our honey asked us “how to use the honey dipper”. Hmm. I looked up YouTube only to find one meaningful video, and that had been watched thousands of times and wasn’t even a quality video! Imagine making a video on this who-would-have-thought-of-it subject, and becoming a honey dipper expert generating your own micro income!

In this new economy, such micro teachings and gigs will be the rage, and this is what we will teach you here.

Interested? Stay tuned until our full-scale launch!