Spaces & Containers


The Hubb’Allah Containers are curated, designed, thoughtfully-led safe spaces and groups for connection, interaction, and value addition. They tend to be conducted over a period of time as opposed to Talks & Transmissions that are delivered on specific times and sometimes in response to current needs of the collective or a chosen group. Pick one or more container that suit you! Most are ongoing or cohort-based memberships that are topical, and deeply enriching. Our containers are focused not on the leader or admin, but on the connections in the community that is created in the containers. We focus not on one-to-many connections but on many-to-many connections.
This is a signature style that Ramala Hubb’Allah has been known for.



There are several containers (closed spaces, on social media) available within the Hubb’Allah universe. These are all thematically interrelated and may overlap a little. Join one or more. All the containers seek to create a space that operates within the larger mission of making our Earth a more peaceful and prosperous planet for the people & kin, under Divine guidance and through connecting with the Source. We don’t CLAIM to being Divine guidance, we just help people access the existing guidance better, using basic and common principles already communicated to humankind.

There are perennial containers and time-bound ones. Please read the specifics carefully. Payments, once made, are currently not refundable. 



BLESSED: Heal With the 99 Names of Allah
A public service container, offered in gift in its first round
In the Islamic tradition, God, whom Muslims call Allah, is known by a number of Beautiful Names, called Asma’a ul-Husna (Beautiful Names!) of God. These names carry Masculine and Feminine qualities, and hide within themselves the world of potentials. Creation comes into existence through the Word, and the Names of Allah–the former uttered by Allah Huself, and the latter by creation. This ongoing, slow-paced container reflects on the meanings and applications of the Names, as well as their healing potential, while weaving in current news and personal contemplations!

This container will close at the end of April 2024 and thereafter become a paid program, with new recordings.

Click to join; rights of admission reserved.



Hivemind with Hubb’Allah
A Facebook group with open enrollment, and fixed monthly subscription
Hivemind with Hubb’Allah: Elevating the Collective with provocative questions may be the most scintillating and cerebral gathering on Facebook in the particular intersectional niche of coaching, healing and community. This is where cerebral, smart, caring and purposeful women gather, and explore and share the Wisdom held within the hive.

Click here for details.