
Ramala Hubb’Allah has had an eclectic career, starting with obtaining an MBA degree (2002) and then working in Branding (2003) and Media (2003-05) before leaving the corporate world for good in 2005, and starting her own self-led career, working from home office and in the field. She defined Social Transformation as her objective and identified as far back as 2005 that the nature of Work was changing at a civilizational level, and that in this lay the potential for great human cultural and social integrity.

Starting 2005, she taught a number of courses on Entrepreneurship, and then began writing and teaching on a diversity of subjects from Spirituality to Sociology to Environment and Politics. She also blogged, traveled, and engaged in trend-forecasting and networking. The scope of her work is summed up in her Signature Teaching, The Salaam Matrix.

She decided to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk and therefore began many implementation projects and schemas, that are listed here.


Since 2023, Ramala Hubb’Allah decided to collect her vast works, published all over the web and delivered orally and in person, in published and printed forms in order to establish credibility that is elusive to digital workers. It also occurred to her that she may be escaping the system after being influenced by a predominantly Westernized or fantastical form of spiritual seeking that has become outdated in the 21st century, and that Change may come from turning in place and working with and within the Matrix. That it is the value systems that must change before the external. That said, years of experience taught that we don’t ONLY change the internal as some spiritual teachers and practitioners insist, but that taking action in the outer and making contracts, systems and bindings ground us. This is an elevated form of FREEDOM in which one takes radical responsibility, and this is the form that she, as an artistic soul who believes in method work and occupational therapy, preferred before she was divested of it through schooling and through controlling influences.

Having understood that power lies in taking charge, since 2023 she has done preciely that, and set up an inhouse agency of sorts to collect and publish her works, memoirs and teachings, as well as set up businesses for herself and her artist child, Sofia J.

These are the businesses, in various stages of development:

  • Hubb’Allah, the teachings (this website)
  • Arte de Sofia, the website for her artist daughter
  • Alam-e-Nau, a publishing concern and advocacy for a revolution for peace and prosperity
  • First Came The Word, a writing and creative services business

These all are under the proposed name umbrella of Hubb’Allah Knowledge Systems, registration-pending private limited company.

Furthermore, she is working to develop her proprietary tool and signature teaching, The Salaam Matrix



Here is smattering of Ramala’s contributions:

— Setting up a food-growing network in 2008 in anticipation of a climate collapse; a related program was proposed in 2014 after a terror attack at a Pakistani school. Ramala’s response was to suggest that we plant fruit forests. In her view, the issue of hunger, nutritional deficiency and a feeling of futility is closely related to the propensity to make war, especially amongst young and idle men. FOOD is the response to chronic hunger and feeling of desperation. Click here to learn more about Ramala’s work on food, hunger and satiation.

— Setting up a peace-focused conversation circle in 2009; this focused on multidimensional social healing and integration. This circle was run in Karachi.

— Alchemizing a farmers market and network connecting the then-distant Northern and Southern markets in her country, giving access and introduction to remote farms in Himalayas, and connecting them with established markets down south

— Establishing a herbal practice to serve the needs of mothers and babies as the primary market, focusing on early years bonding, focusing on prevention and cure of early years infectious damage, prevention of developmental and attachment trauma. This was done in tandem with discovering the qualities of ordinary Himalayan (Karakoram) herbs, and turned them into viable, value-added products that served the needs of a population in need of true, effective and trustworthy healthcare and solutions. Working with inner guidance backed with research, Ramala developed several proprietary formulations and products. These products composed mostly of syrups, balms, and herbal teas aimed mostly at flu, cold and depression-related illnesses. These products received rave reviews and the success rate of the effectiveness was almost a perfect score. In fact, the product over-delivered and began healing secondary symptoms.

Some of these formulations are patentable and can be scaled for mass production and consumption, while others are boutique items.


Ramala is currently working on a new set of projects and offerings aimed at post-apocalypse development. This is a new, emerging category of work with practitioners and guides just now appearing ready to guide communities. Ramala’s current body of work is aimed at:


— identifying and setting directions in a post-growth, post-apocalypse world

— gathering, guiding and supporting visionaries and guides, training leaders

— Using tools such as big data, warm data, and info tech tools to support visionaries and guides

— Field projects to cater to the needs of the billions in a time of climate and socioeconomic collapse and reorganization

— Training and enabling the common people, elevating and organizing the masses, forming alignments.


This section will feature offers of partnerships, mostly on a project basis.