
HIVEMIND with Hubb’Allah: Elevating the Collective with provocative questions may be the most scintillating and cerebral gathering on Facebook in the particular intersectional niche of coaching, healing and community. This is where cerebral, smart, caring and purposeful women gather, and explore and share the Wisdom held within the hive.

This is a curated program: admission is by application and selection, the group is kept intentionally mildly and fairly diverse but from within a known circle of interactions and exchanges. The idea is to bring the participants of each cohort together, and help them amplify each other’s growth and wisdom.

HIVEMIND uses a format of provocative and timely questions, seeking to tap into the wisdom, knowledge, ideas, beliefs, and schemas held within the group. The approach is of curiosity and of putting the cards on the table, and examining each other’s presentations while building up the repository of our knowledge.

This group best suits individuals who are skilled, cerebral, cooperative while highly individualized, who are curious, gregarious, love connecting and chatting, and love to organize and be organized. Another requisite skill is the ability to take minimal orders, in order to fall into the gaming positions of this fast-paced but temperamentally gentle cohort.

As the name suggests, it has the tempo and temperament of a Divine Feminine Beehive Colony and its busy members at work!

HIVEMIND are rolling cohorts of five months each; at the end of each cohort, the memberships are concluded and may be renewed for the next season. Each new cohort allows a percentage of older hive members to join in; we keep this intuitive for now.

Payment is PIF (paid-in-full), non-refundable.

First ten members of the first-ever cohort are enrolled at 50% off, and are eligible for future rewards, to be decided. This is a flagship offering by Ramala Hubb’Allah.