‘Melonize’ the Economy!

Watermelons. They have become the symbol of Resistance of the People against the Vampire Empire. The origin of the motif is from the sacred lands of Palestine. The motif has spread like a melon vine through social media and in protest marches.

While developing a banner for my business “The Salaam Matrix” to declare our support for the People vs the Empire (Learn more in our Social Responsibility Statement), and to support the people of GAZA who are experiencing a genocide, it occurred to me that we need to ‘melonize’ our businesses and economy–which is not just token support and allyship with the cause, though those are vital first steps, but also, wide-spread, deep, real, rooted changes to the way we do business. The business of economy, and the business of Life.

It all starts with asking the question:

What is the end game of the current economic streams that I, my family, my community and my business are engaged in?

And then asking subsidiary questions such as:

~Where are our resources coming from?
~Whose labor are we utilizing and on what terms?
~What are we buying and who holds the ownership?
~How do they spend the money, and how do they treat their employees?
~What is the source manufacturer of the product that I am using? Do they have legal and legitimate rights to produce the product and content that they are producing?
For further insights into ‘Melonization’, contact Hubb’Allah; also, check our partner training business, The Salaam Matrix.

My appeal is that we make Melonization a process, not a penalty.

This is vital if we want to make the movement inclusive, and not create chain reactions of cancellations and penalization and wizard wars with curses flying off left and right! THIS is what behooves a new collective marked by collaboration and cooperation.

Photo: Mark Stebnicki

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